About Us

W1 Construction was formed in 2022 following a combined 50+ years of tier one main contracting and client experience across residential, commercial and hospitality sectors,  including the delivery of several of London’s most complex major construction projects. These projects have now converted to some of the most distinguished and successful developments in their respective sectors today.
We have worked, problem solved, learned, contributed, and succeeded with some of the best minds and capabilities in the industry. From early preconstruction design and procurement phases, and through construction and handover stages, we have successfully delivered with full operational and commercial accountability.
W1 was born through the ambition to do much better, motivated by wider industry frustrations that adversely, and often unnecessarily impact projects and stakeholder experiences. We know through our learned experiences around 90% of a project’s ability to successfully deliver with predictability and certainty is determined in preconstruction, yet the two directly-connected worlds of preconstruction (theoretical) and construction (practical) are too often unconnected and not synchronised.
We exist to approach, guide, and deliver our projects differently. We will achieve this working with, and for, progressive clients, consultants, and specialists who critically and positively promote correct skills allocation, timing, highest forms of contribution, decision making, true collaboration, and the importance of trust and healthy working positive sum relationships.
Our purpose is to continue delivering a simplified and scalable service that removes unnecessary complication and provides direct high-quality value and certainty to our clients. In our industry problems typically repeat; we know where to best focus the collective effort.

Our Values & Principles

First Principle Competency

We instil, hone and demand first principle thinking from ourselves and our teams. Our industry sectors and projects provide a fertile and continuous supply of opportunities. We are obligated to approach and test challenges and complexities differently.
We understand that every project through a combination of variables is different. Our First Principle Competency practices questioning every assumption and predisposition to ensure we are creating and bringing the best answer and fit for your project.

Trusted Relationships

We are excited by technology and innovation and believe the construction sector is at the precipice of being able to leverage significant productivities over the coming decade.
That said, the currency of our industry is people. We deal in positive interactions with one another. We support, problem solve, collaborate, and succeed through shared and discretionary commitment from a bedrock of trust.
Trusted relationships means we are all respected, liberated, and empowered to spend our capacity working on the things that matter and move projects forward the most.
Trust is the most important ingredient and must be worked on by all with excellent and trusted stakeholder relationships maintained throughout the life cycle of each project or programme.
You can’t have a high performing team without high levels of trust.

Reliance & Integrity

Being reliable and delivering every aspect of our services with integrity matters most to us. In unison with our other values and operating principles, we want to be relied upon as your partner of choice. Integrity for us means consistently doing the right thing across everything we do, in a reliable and effective way.

A Commitment of Excellence

We know that excellence is infectious. We know how it travels, compounds and returns on the most rewarding and successful projects.
Our pursuit of excellence is driven by clear purpose and meaning, cultivating collaboration, being highly organised as individuals and teams, and doing the basics exceptionally well.
We value and empower every detail and we know that great things on projects are achieved through persistent task to task forward movement.
Our culture of excellence is delivered and maintained through engineering quality and responsiveness into everything we are able to influence and do.

Move Fast (Care Most)

For centuries projects have been programmed and planned to Move Fast. There are many reasons why projects do not meet planned outputs though preconstruction and construction stages. Through focus, clear and effective process, accuracy, and high adaptation, Move Fast demands that our projects are constantly working hard and smartly to achieve or exceed the plan.
Projects are progressively formed and released to move through a series of processes and decisions. We know that each decision has a value breakpoint. The value breakpoint is defined as the right and best informed moment to make the decision. Everything beyond this point moves the process or decision into a diminishing state of return. We ensure our clients and teams are presented with the information and facts to make early and effective choices.
We know that projects and teams can Move Fast and responsively with care, diligence and success. Move Fast (Care Most) drives us to prepare and communicate high quality information, introduce and maintain confidence, and deliver at pace with Safety First. Always. Quality Never Compromised consistently prioritised.

Simplified & Shared Success

Waste and inefficiency thrive on complexity; effectiveness and progress requires simplicity.
The act of making or accepting projects as unnecessarily complex impacts productivity and returns greater than any other influence. Too often construction projects allow themselves to become mile wide and inch deep, believing millimetre progress in a million directions is productive and difference making.
We fixate on defining our key project stage milestones as a team. We actively simplify our planning and processes by removing the unessential and setting up to focus on and deliver what really matters by providing our highest forms of contribution at any given time.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication that cultivates shared success.

Our Team

We believe the W1 offering is unique in responding to your requirements for the delivery of the project. Our dedicated and experienced senior leadership team and technical practitioners bring a wealth of experience and competence having worked on multiple residential (prime to super prime level), commercial, and hospitality projects.
Sam Walsh Managing Director

The industry is predisposed to unnecessary complexity and confusion (we have all experienced this throughout our careers). We have established W1 to provide a much simpler, coherent, and more enjoyable way of delivering projects. We appreciate 90% of a project’s success is delivered up front in preconstruction. We know where to focus, and where to apply the right capabilities, in the right way

Barry Gavin Managing Director

We enjoy working with good people and collaborating with teams that we can build long-standing and effective relationships with. This converts to non-confrontational, honest and open, positive working experiences and outcomes. For us, this approach sets each project up for success through a culture of respect, trusted relationships and loyalty.

Liam Florey Director of Operations

We are set up to listen, inform, and provide our clients with the highest, most direct, and tangible value for them. They are spending their money and resources on our time. It is essential we provide them with exactly what they need and value. We are delivering a unique and different capability for our clients and teams


For all enquiries or to discuss an upcoming project, use the contact page in the link below.

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For all enquiries or to discuss an upcoming project, use the contact page in the link below.